Sunday, February 22, 2015

Comic Author by The Arif Setio Nugroho [16714036]

A story can be written using both words and graphics, and it is called a graphic novel or comics. As such, not only good writing skills are required in making comics, but also good drawing skills.
I have a friend, Pierre Jobel, who wants to be a comic writer because he likes reading comics and more importantly, he has creative imaginations in writing and drawing. His future dream is to work together with people from around the world as a co-writer. He wants to create his own comics in the future, and by working with people from around the world, he can learn a lot of cultural knowledges which can be applied to his own comics.
In order to achieve his dream, he is preparing himself from now because he knows that becoming a comic writer is not easy. He is learning how to write stories in an attractive, yet creative way because the story in a comic is mostly told through the dialogues between characters. Surely he needs to improve his writing skills to make him capable of writing an interesting and attractive comic to read.
He is also practicing to improve his drawing skills as the pictures in a comic serve as means of telling a story. It means that the quality of the pictures is very crucial in a comic. He improves his drawing skills by practicing drawing a lot and by watching videos about comics to learn more about comics. Before pursuing his dream, he plans to work first so he can be assured that he will be capable of sustaining himself just in case his comics cannot provide him enough money.

Unfortunately, my friend has some obstacles in his way to become a comic author. He feels that he does not have enought time to practice drawing because of his activities, such as studying, organization activies and college activites. In regards to his obstacles, I suggest him to manage his time better so he can practice writing and drawing a comic. In my opinion, he will become a good comic writer. He has creative imaginations and ideas. He also has good skills in writing and his drawings are really good. I sincerely hope he can achieve his dream of becoming a comic writer.

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